The Let's Play Archive


by BisbyWorl

Part 111: Update XCVII - One day at the archery club

Update XCVII - One day at the archery club

This update covers the events of Update XVIII to XXI.

And because his Servant attacked you, he'll suffer a stat decrease as a penalty, too. Anyway, you'll still lose if your resolve doesn't match his.

Music: Down to Dawn

Archer's yellow chat is today.

Oh, that would be ever-so-helpful. I can't really fight all-out with that long-suffering look on your face.

My "relationship" with my Servant. He fights well enough, but his attitude is like a dagger to my soul. I'm pretty sure a normal Master and Servant relationship doesn't involve this much ridicule and abuse.

But I do respect your lofty position as a Master. As for my general opinion of you, that will depend on how you grow as Master from here on out. I don't expect miracles. If you can become merely competent, I might change my attitude a little...maybe.

..."A little," he says. I seriously doubt his sincerity. Servants are just reproductions of their mortal identities, so their personalities don't change. I need to go a little further afield to blunt Archer's sarcasm. For instance,

Perform an Alteration of the Soul?

An Alteration of the Soul? ...Hm. I doubt they'll be able to change my basic nature, but that can boost one's luck, so who knows? If one's history was erased or if a rewrite was done based on alternative info, their personality might change. For example, you could return sanity to a Berserker. Of course, all this depends on the Servant agreeing to it. I don't really trust those sisters, but they seem competent enough to perform a little spiritual awakening.

This was an unexpected revelation. It seems like Servants have their own problems to deal with and a few Heroic Heroic Spirits' souls are actually tormented. I also find it surprising that Archer, of all people, is more than wary of Alterations of the Soul. ...Is it because the process is incredibly painful or something?

Is it excruciatingly painful?

Naw, it's mostly painless. And anyway, it's the fault of a certain someone that my abilities are gimped. While the process would make me stronger, I worry about raising my stats beyond their original values. I'm especially worried about boosting my luck. To say I've never been lucky would be an understatement.

Considering Luck is a dump stat here, Archer doesn't have to worry about that one.


Are you afraid of the process?

...I think we should end this conversation. I'm starting to freak myself out just thinking about it. It's more about who's doing the deed, as it were. One sister has no ethics; the other has no common sense. ...Well, no use worrying about it. I can only assume that they're competent and no accidents will happen...maybe.


If that's so, sorry I mentioned it.

...Wow. Of all the things I thought you'd say that certainly wasn't one of them. There's no need for you to apologize. Our training schedule and battle strategy are your responsibility. Me, I'm just the trigger man. I'm used to doing this sort of thing, so don't worry about me. A few more scars won't kill me...

I guess that'd be right. This is the perfect opportunity. I kindly accept your obviously heartfelt sympathy...Master.


...Honestly, I don't really have a problem with an Alteration of the Soul in and of itself. You see, it's not the process as a whole I have a problem with, my problem would be with a Master whose soul is so twisted that they'd order such a thing be done.

Archer then favors me with an insultingly sarcastic smile. I guess he isn't too happy with my intent to alter his personality using an Alteration of the Soul.

I'm sure you're on top of things. You seem comfortable enough to burn valuable time on idle chitchat. You looked pretty depressed during the first round, but I guess I shouldn't have worried about you. Considering your current behavior, the second round will be a cakewalk, right...Master?

So that's the whole of his response. To be perfectly blunt, I'm hoping for a "more obedient Servant" option when I do an Alteration of the Soul...


Set him up for absolute humiliation?

I'm pretty sure that Archer's arrogance comes from the fact that he's yet to screw up badly. Maybe if he made a colossal mistake he would be a bit easier to deal with afterward.

Right... Enduring a loss without avenging it, taking dishonor without making amends, then even someone like me would watch what I say. I know that much, at the very least—

Whatever might happen from here on out, be aware that my mistakes could cost my lord his life. If you're okay with that, then I'm fine with dropping the ball every now and then. I would truly regret should you leave this mortal coil, as I'd be out of a job, as it were. Thus, in some small and insignificant way, you'd have your revenge against me.

Archer's sarcasm is almost palatable. But he's right; his failures could have dire consequences for me. In addition, my failures become his failures as well. In a sense, I'd be cutting my own throat.

Welcome to the dichotomy of the Servant relationship. Just accept the fact your luck's as bad as mine.

...I think I get it. With Archer, I need to be able to dish out an equal amount of scorn and abuse in kind.

When dealing with Archer, there's no way to out-sarcasm him.


Maybe things are fine as is...?

...No, I need to stay calm. Archer may be a pain in the ass, but all he's doing is making me think about what being a Master truly means. He's not "topping from the bottom." ...I see it now. He may be overly strict and demanding, but he's never casually insulting. In fact, he's been doing his best to protect and nurture an inexperienced Master. His cynicism and sarcasm is just a byproduct of his concern. His personality is just slightly bent compared to most rational people. He's sort of like the somewhat bitter and arrogant sister-in-law.

Hey, what's with the silent treatment? Changing your approach...wait, what's with that smirk?

So the only way to win is to not play.

It's not a smirk, it's a smile. Archer's attempt at maintaining his facade is fairly amusing now that I understand why he's doing it. I now see that he isn't being arrogant so much as displaying his strength and subtly telling me to "just rely on your Servant." And isn't instilling confidence something allies should do for each other?

Hmph. That smile on your face is...unnerving. But I can live with it if it means you're done complaining. The real Holy Grail War starts now and the challenges that await us will make my chiding seem mostly harmless.

Music: First Chimeric Lunar Sea - Second Floor



You got the cipher key. If you want to keep training, which I reconmend, I've got your back.




Music: School III

While admirable, Master of Archer, I fail to understand why you acted as you did.

Music: School IV

She might have more info in the future. Why don't we talk to her regularly from now on?

Astrology? How very magus-like. I hear all of Atlas's alchemists are capable astrologists. But I'm more interested in what her professor has to say. Maybe we'll learn more about her, too. For the time being, we should focus on our enemy.

Talk to Rani.

...A life tainted with corruption. Many heroes have sinned, but he seems to have gone too far.

Spend SP.

It makes me wonder why a man of such conviction would chase after the Holy Grail. While it's obvious he is determined to win, obtaining the Grail is no small feat. ...Or could it be that he does not truly understand what it means to possess the Holy Grail? ...For now, we should concentrate on finding the Trigger. The clock is ticking, after all.

Back to the Arena.

Music: First Chimeric Lunar Sea - Second Floor

They've been hit with a penalty, so why don't we take them out here and now?

With a hand on their weapon, my Servant squints their eyes upon hearing Dan's and Archer's words.

Seriously, it's all right with me. You can even use that Noble Phantasm you're so proud of.

Or did your lord's dazzling words rob you of the ability to conceal yourself from the world?

Archer's words seem to take Archer totally by surprise, as if his words touch on the enemy's very core. For a moment, his normally calm demeanor became incredibly flustered.

Both Archers get the usual blue text with no way to differentiate between them, unlike Alice and Alice.

Archer's eyes shine with evil intent. As he reaches under his cape, I fear he may unleash his Noble Phantasm.

Sorta sad how Archer gets the shortest banter with Robin.

But I can't just blow off the confidence my Master has in me. Consider my excuses to be bad jokes. An honest head-to-head fight. It's not really my style, but what the hell, I'll play along, comrade.

...Color me surprised. I thought you were a flake, but you actually devote yourself to your convictions. Hunter of the forest. It's seems that through your Master's nobility, you see the folly that was your existence.

-I wonder. As different as we are from one another, I get the feeling we both have similar regrets. You're offensively narcissistic. I'm a classic nihilist. Don't you think we're perfectly suited to be enemies?

I won't argue with that. If you think about it, I wonder if those two aren't just like us in a way.

Ha! You're way off base! Let's get this over with. I'll stain that coat of yours red with your own blood!

Once we're sure that Dan and Archer have left, Archer relaxes a little. A small smile forms on his lips.

Did you hear, Master? He spoke of his home. —Sherwood Forest. Rani's astrology reading was quite remarkable. She was pretty much dead on about everything.

Also, Dan mentioned a fairly important keyword, the Faceless King.

With this new info, I think we're closing in on Archer's true name. You should look into this more when we return to campus.

...Wait, that last bit was part of Hakuno's narration on the other two routes. Why does Archer get to say it here?

Music: School III

Music: School IV

To win.

—Without your Noble Phantasm?

...Sheesh. I'm glad that you're finally taking things seriously, but we can't rush that. Master, what kind of victory are you aiming for? Just immediate, or also future victory?

Immediate victory.

You're in for a disappointment. Placing emphasis on immediate victory is what Shinji would do.

What Shinji would do?! I-In other words, it's a really stupid idea?

Good guess. This isn't our only fight, okay?


Future victory.

Good. Then you already know what I was going to say.


My job is to keep you alive until the end, and that means leaving a few surprises for later. If we reveal our last resort so early on, we'll be trapped later and end up losing.

Admittedly that's sorta a non-issue due to the Moon Cell HGW's format. No one can peek in on an Elimination Battle (even Julius had to give up on watching Rin and Rani's fight lest his brain get fried) so using a Noble Phantasm there is a win-win situation. Either you win and anyone who saw it is now dead, or you lose and it doesn't matter.

With that, Archer gets lost in almost meditative thought and says nothing further. Considering how adamant he seemed about his theory, we're probably done talking. The issue drops, but some unease lingers in my brain. Some day, I may make the decision to use my Servant's full abilities.

Get the decor.

A lot more subdued compared to Tamamo or Nero's. You can barely see it past Archer's portait whenever he speaks.



You gave me an order, right? To win. I'm not going to ignore that.

Music: School III

Music: Duel - Prelude to Confrontation

This is going to be so much fun.

We'd have been in trouble if the Master and Servant had been the other way around.

But, my Master is different this time. They will be full of doubt unless I fight fair and square.

Music: Duel - Kill Or Be Killed

That's the spirit! Thank god I'll never have to see this guy's ugly mug again. Now that we have to say goodbye, I'm getting all teary. How about I fire an arrow for every tear I weep?

Besides, I doubt you can cry in the first place. You're as twisted as the roots of your beloved yew.

Give me a break. You're twisted and wretched, so what do you want me to say? That you're a lace doily?

...*Sigh* Something tells me we wouldn't make good friends.

Well, obviously. You're a miserable pretentious ass. Tell me, how deep do you bury your feelings?

King of May, who discarded his pride out of pride, I'll rescue you from your desperate life by killing you!

Week 2 Elimination Battle (Archer ver.)

Talk all you want. We won't lose when it comes to sniping. Right, Master?

Mhm. It may be a skill from my younger days... but I'll show you the secret to sniping.

This is Extra combat.


That's not Robin's NP line, even though Archer is poisoned!

He finally used it!

What set him off? Is it because he's at low HP? Is it a random chance whenever I'm poisoned? Was Mercury in retrograde? Fucked if I know.

Faceless King is actually extremely rude if you aren't skill spamming past it, since, you know, it means he wins all clashes.

He used it on move 2; if I tried to use normal commands on this turn he would have had four attacks and an extra attack. That would have been lethal and there would be nothing I could do.

However, that was the only move he could counter.

Dan even used his other code cast!

Next time: We run into a mysterious white haired girl.